Elasticities is a self-initiated project manifesting feminism, heritage and multicultural dialog. In this project I continuously look for the same object (which is a hair elastic) and from there, I build stories around cities I encounter.
Surprisingly many of these elastics you can see in the streets. This is probably the most common thing to loose. Every time I notice one - I take a picture. Elasticities silk scarves document such moments in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, New York, Vilnius, Tokyo, Lyon, Rome,Venice and etc.
This project was born from a certain kind of awareness and willingness to build space where stories of the cities and personal experiences could weave into new narratives.
My work is related to memory, location and space. I use maps and try to investigate what could be the story of each place. By finding an item that could be seen (or not seen at all) and merging it with precious materials, I intend to perform awareness. In other words, I want to make the invisible visible.